Hello, I'm Lucian Andrei Negoita

Computer Engineering student with a strong interest in Cloud Architecture, DevOps, and Full Stack Development.




  • AWS
Repository where I keep the documentation of various projects I've built using AWS services


  • Next.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • MongoDB
E-commerce platform for selling watches, developed with Next.js, MongoDB, and Tailwind CSS, featuring a secure REST API with JWT authentication
Device Management App

Device Management App

  • C#
  • Blazor
  • SQLite
Full Stack application developed by a team using agile methodologies (Scrum), C#, Blazor, and SQLite. It implements unit tests with xUnit and automated CI/CD pipelines in Azure DevOps for continuous deployments


  1. Advanced University Course in Digital Tools Applied to Transportation and Logistics

    University of Castilla-La Mancha

    A course focused on emerging technologies and agile methodologies applied to logistics and transportation, highlighting Agile project management (Scrum, Kanban), Cloud computing (AWS, Lambda, EC2, S3), AI, Big Data, Blockchain, robotics, and cybersecurity

  2. Computer Engineering

    University of Castilla-La Mancha

    Computer Engineering studies (bilingual modality), acquiring knowledge in software development, algorithms, and systems

  3. Medicine

    University of Castilla-La Mancha

    Studies in Medicine, providing a multidisciplinary perspective

  4. Science High School

    Health Sciences and Technology

    Scientific training

About Me

I'm currently pursuing an Undergraduate Degree in Computer Science and Engineering (Bilingual Program), specializing in Cloud solutions, DevOps, and Full Stack development.

I have led and collaborated on various technical projects, including scalable web application development, advanced data analysis and filtering, as well as the design and implementation of search algorithms and artificial intelligence techniques. My professional focus revolves around Cloud Architecture, DevOps practices, and Full Stack Development.

Contact: [email protected]

LinkedIn | GitHub

Lucian Andrei Negoita